… And we are back! With singing children, no less

June 18th, 2009

Gusto, check. Passion, check. Adorable quotient, check. Love them! Thanks to my friend A for sharing. It seems like the entire world has already seen this, but I only saw it today.

Check out their blog at PS22 Chorus to see more. I especially enjoyed their “Eye of the Tiger”. 😀 I attended PS19 and PS13, so I feel some sort of proximate love for them too. 🙂

Putting on your pants

February 24th, 2009

… is not as mundane an experience as you might think! I wish I could embed the video, but please go to How to put your pants on to see the video for yourselves.

I got the link from friends H and F. My two favorites involve a wall and a seesaw. 😀

Rocking Out to Bon Jovi on the Jumbotron Is Totally Made of Happy, Jersey style

February 20th, 2009

It’s extra great that’s it’s Bon Jovi because I LOVE BON JOVI!

“Miracle on the Hudson” pilot gets extension on overdue library book – KPCC News In Brief

February 5th, 2009

Sullenberger is the pilot who safely landed the plane on the Hudson.

Sullenberger contacted librarians and asked for an extension on the loan and a waiver on the overdue fine. The reason? The book is in the cargo hold of the US Airways plane that made an emergency landing last month in New York’s Hudson River. Sullenberger is the pilot who made that landing. No one was seriously injured.

Fresno State library officials were impressed with Sullenberger’s sense of responsibility… and waived all fines and fees, even the one for losing the book. The library’s going one step further: when the replacement book goes up on the shelf, it will have a special template in front, dedicating it to Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.

Oh, by the way. The topic of that book? Professional ethics.

via “Miracle on the Hudson” pilot gets extension on overdue library book – KPCC News In Brief. (Emphasis mine.)

Totally hilarious and cute. 🙂

Thinking of You

February 2nd, 2009
Thinking of You

Thinking of You

Wheeee! Across the Ice Is Made of Happy

January 15th, 2009

Come on, who doesn’t love free fun with the family?! I wish I was that kid being flung across the ice. Wheeeee! Totally made of happy! You can tell because that kid can’t stop giggling. 🙂

They Are onto Me! Happy Dog Is Made of happy

January 15th, 2009

This dog demands his place at the table of happy!

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more puppies

Happy dog FTW! All bow down in happiness to our Happy Dog Overlord!

Learning New Words Is Made of Happy

January 14th, 2009

Via 350 – Accidental Maps: Cartocacoethes or Blatant Pareidolia? « Strange Maps.

Thanks to H again for the link! That link has a bunch of other accidental maps. 🙂 According to the site, the word cartocacoethes means, “the compulsion to see maps everywhere”. I love it. I love trying to roll around the syllables in my mouth. I love how dense the word is. And the maps themselves on that link were so very awesome. And dare I say it? Made of happy. *cough*

Do you have a favorite “big word” to share? Please do!

Random Kitten Is Made of Happy

January 14th, 2009

Playing with flowers by Dr. Hemmert

Nothing much to say. The adorableness speaks for itself. 🙂 Her soft little feet are made of happy!

The Best Interactive Museum Display Ever Is Made of OMGAWESOMEHappy

January 14th, 2009

I have never seen a museum display this cool. I’ve never seen anything that came close to this in any sort of museum or educational setting that is so engaging and able to communicate a sense of history in a visually stunning, storytelling, cool way. I just can’t use enough positive adjectives to gush about this thing.

Please go to the youtube page for it and watch it in high quality. WOW. Just WOW. That person who designed it needs some sort of award. I know I sound like a raving maniac by now, but I am so excited by the idea that you can make history & learning just so awesome. This seems like the right way to engage people, young and old alike, not lame “edutainment” games I’ve seen in stores.