Posts Tagged ‘cool town’

A Townful of Honest Customers Is Made of Happy

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Shopkeeper Tom Algie faced a dilemma over Christmas  -  how to give himself and his three staff time off but without letting down his customers.

So he came up with a solution to suit everyone: leaving the hardware store open with an honesty box.

He left a note telling shoppers who came in on Boxing Day to serve themselves and then leave their payment in the box he had rigged up. Perhaps astonishingly, his plan worked.

via Shopkeeper leaves deserted store open on Boxing Day with an honesty box – and doesn’t lose a penny | Mail Online.

Neat! Another thing that restores my faith in humanity. He made  £187.66 and two euros on the day that he left his store unlocked with a note to pay in the box. Wow.

Thanks, awesome people of Settle! You guys are totally made of happy. 🙂